German >>
Project F03
Stakeholder Networks in Russia
Complete title: Transnational stakeholder networks as an instrument for strategic risk management: foreign enterprises in Russia
Focus: In Russia, foreign enterprises are faced with very high investment risks. This originates, for example, from alternating legislations and their deficient implementation (political risk), intransparent structures, numerous shifts in direction and political interventions in economic processes (political risk), evolving economical structures (economical risk) as well as from different norms and values and diverging motivation structures (cultural risk). Foreign enterprises which consider their engagement successful often refer to the establishment of a network which exceeds the market partners and includes non-market stakeholders as additional important success factors. Therefore the target of this research project is to investigate how the legal, political, economical and cultural risk of a foreign direct investment in Russia can be reduced by establishing international stakeholder networks. The scientific target is the detailed analysis of the risks of foreign direct investment in Russia, particularly with regard to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as the examination of network structures between foreign investors and their socio-political lobbies. The practical aim consists in the deduction of implementable acting recommendations for enterprises.


Prof. Dr. Holtbrügge (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) >>

Jonas F. Puck (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) >>

Partner institutions:

Akademie für Arbeit und soziale Beziehungen Moskau (Akademija truda i social'nych otnoshenij Moskva) >>

Staatsuniversität St. Petersburg, School of Management, St. Petersburg (Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, Fakultet Menedzhmenta) >>

Basic reading:

Charles J. Fombrun: Strategies for Network Research in Organizations. In: Academy of Mangement Review 7 (1982) Nr. 2, S. 280-291. >>

Timothy J. Rowley: Moving Beyond Dyadic Ties: A Network Theory of Stakeholder Influence. In: Academy of Management Review 22 (1997) Nr. 4, S. 887-910. >>